Summer is waning and Fall is just around the corner

This is my “oh crud” blog post, wherein I begin to come to grips with the fact that my time is limited. Isn’t this the case for everyone?! However, what I mean is that my school year will be greeting me much sooner than I ever expect and the ability for me to work consistently on my sign commissions will be rather… shall I say “complicated”.

Change is inevitable and certainly something we all need in our daily lives, but I’m just throwing this out there - I will be limiting my commissions come fall. Well, let me rephrase that by stating that the rate with which I am able to complete my commissions may be a bit more prolonged. Those of you who know me and have been loyal patrons of my work certainly understand this and are quite familiar with the “good things… in due time, yadda-yadda” adage.

With such change in mind, I felt the need to post a few more images of a few select pieces of work. These are pieces that, in no particular order, have (at one point or another) been resident to my studio easel, workshop table, kitchen table (and yes, this does happen), or even my lap. At the time of creation, these signs inhabit every fiber of my life. If inanimate signs had a vocal capacity, each of mine could tell a story that is unique. While no two stories would be the same, they would all be quite interesting and full of rich character.

Each sign is a part of my life… my family for a brief time and there comes a point in time when I do have to let them go. This is the part when my story ends with the sign and your story begins! So, here are a few non-professional photographic images of some of my most recent gems… I hope you enjoy:) -Andy

tavern menuboard_custom_tavern sign_colonial american sign company.JPG
tavern menuboard_custom_tavern sign_colonial american sign company_detail.JPG
ye olde inn_bulls head taverm_colonial williamsburg_colonial american sign company.JPG
temperance eagle_large version_colonial american sign company2.JPG
temperance eagle_large version_colonial american sign company.JPG
the five o clock place_custom_tavern sign_colonial american sign company.JPG
early american fireboard_custom_tavern sign_colonial american sign company.JPG
early american fireboard detail_tavern sign_colonial american sign company2.JPG
early american fireboard detail_tavern sign_colonial american sign company_detail.JPG
early american fireboard detail_tavern sign_colonial american sign company.JPG
Newtown Library Sign (Authentic Reproduction); Private client. The original sign was painted by esteemed American artist Edward Hicks.

Newtown Library Sign (Authentic Reproduction); Private client. The original sign was painted by esteemed American artist Edward Hicks.

kings arms tavern sign_CASC_colonial american sign company.jpg
kings arms tavern_CASC_colonial-american-sign-company.JPG.JPG
eagle sign shield.JPG
culper ring tavern_walkers colonial american sign company.JPG
culper ring tavern_benjamin talmage.JPG
wobbly penguin_walker colonial american sign company.PNG
publick house_colonial american sign company.jpg
upenn_city hall philadelphia_CASC_colonial-american-sign-company.JPG
revolutionary war brewery sign_walker colonial american sign company.JPG
gettysburg pennsylvania sign_CASC_colonial-american-sign-company.JPG
gettysburg pennsylvania sign_CASC_colonial-american-sign-company detail.JPG.JPG
gettysburg pennsylvania sign_CASC_colonial-american-sign-company_in workshop.JPG
eagle sign_e pluribus unim_CASC_colonial-american-sign-company.JPG.JPG
eagle sign e pluribus unim_CASC_colonial-american-sign-company_detailJPG
eagle sign e pluribus unim_CASC_colonial-american-sign-company_detail2JPG
starbucks tavern_CASC_colonial-american-sign-company_detailJPG.JPG