Well, not sure if my blog is even followed by anyone - but in the interest of entertaining even a single soul who might subscribe... here is proof that I am indeed alive :)
Not being one for glossing up my website and maintaining a regular blog, those who know me "best" certainly understand that I'd much rather succumb to the gritty, rubber-meets-the-road side of the business. Essentially, this means that I have been up to my elbows in paint and sawdust - deeply engrossed in the production side of the sign business.
While the workshop /studio dimension is absolutely vital, it is also important - I suppose - to take a bit of time, now and then, in order to reflect and explain to the vast audience of our free world what the heck I have been up to. Being a true sucker for overdoing a given task, I will not fall victim to lighting this humble blog post up in any way... Rather, I am going to dump a potpourri of images that reflect, in some small way, the fruits of my labor. Some of the pics are older than others and in no way is the collection a comprehensive account of my activity since the last update.
In the spirit of brevity, I'll end my words now. Thanks for reading! My hope is that the visual language of pictures serves as a sufficient means for such an update.
Here is a picture provided from a loyal customer; The A Phelps' Lion sign was a new addition to their display and seems to make good company with the Starbuck's Tavern Whale.
Here is another image reflecting one of my signs on display, in a patron's house. This was a rather large sign (actually, scaled to the dimension of the original), yet in such an expansive living space, it appears quite modest. What a terrific setting, though!
Something rather hidden, unless you have purchased one of my signs, is the special attention I provided to the reverse sides of my work. Of course - the front of a single-sided sign is 'where it's at'; however, I feel that it is crucial that the back side is finished off with the appropriate degree of completeness also. Personally, I enjoy the richness of character offered in the old wood used to make my signs.